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Models / Alisha "A Pantyhose Obsession"

Alisha "A Pantyhose Obsession" Vital Stats:
Region:  PNW
Currently Active:  Yes

Alisha "A Pantyhose Obsession" Updates

Alisha is Naughty
Alisha "A Pantyhose Obsession"
We take our shoot into the bathroom and Alisha shows us a secret at the end...

Tags: Foot Fetish
Alisha Offers Her Feet
Alisha "A Pantyhose Obsession"
We take our shoot to the kitchen where I have more space for Alisha to stretch her legs and put her pretty soles in my lens.

Tags: Foot Fetish
Alisha Bares Her Soles
Alisha "A Pantyhose Obsession"
Alisha loses her hose and I get some shots of her bare soles. It was now that I discovered she's not wearing any underwear...

Tags: Foot Fetish
Alisha's Pantyhose
Alisha "A Pantyhose Obsession"
Meeting Alisha was one of my highlights of the year! I flew out to Portland right in the middle of the big fire that consumed the entire state to meet her and see her precious feet in person. Our first shoot was in her pantyhose, just to be true to her name.

Tags: Foot Fetish Pantyhose
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